Monday, June 14, 2010

Reagan's Latest Favorite Thing

Reagan now has figured out how to open and close the DVD player. NOT A GOOD THING! She also knows exactly where her DVD's are and is constantly getting into them. Which means there are LOTS of DVD cases and paper inserts all over the house each day. We've really got to move them so that I don't go insane.

Right now her favorites are the Baby Einstein videos. And of all of those, there are 2 that she likes to watch. Baby McDonald (of course because there is a cow in it) and Neighborhood Animals (which also has a cow in it). I think she likes cows just a little bit. She is really cute when she mooooos like a cow too.

Here are the girls watching Neighborhood Animals in a box. Because all children like to watch movies in a box, right?Mesmerized!
So if anyone wants to come over and help me figure out a way to lock up/hide/move the movies and/or DVD player, feel free. It could save me a lot of fighting and picking up time. :)

1 comment:

Amy Voss said...

Seven likes the Neighborhood Animals because at the menu screen, the frog sticks out his tongue.